We offer Titanium bolts
more than bikes

What we have from Titanium
Hi Bike has a complete range of titanium and titanium alloy products. Our titanium products are used in many applications including aerospace, chemical manufacturing plants, marine offshore rigs, automotive components, food and pharmaceutical processing plants, recreation and sports equipment, pigment enhancers, medical implants and surgical devices.

Titanium can be manufactured in various forms such as sheets, strips, plates, billets, bars, rods, ingots, extrusions, pipe tubing, coil, and wire. Titanium can also be forged welded, machined, or other fabricating processes to reach a desired product. These processes are extremely difficult to accomplish and require custom cutting tools along with an expertise to know-how to use them. We are the one such company. WE pride ourselves on being able to supply high-end performance Titanium parts for our many well-respected customers across varying industries around the world. With our testing center now in place and our continuing effort to form close relationships and continual communication with our customers and manufacturing factories, we can make high-quality, low-defect pieces to meet our customers' meticulous requirements. We can customize the Titanium products according to your drawings.

History of Titanium
Titanium was first discovered in Cornish beach sands back in 1791 by an English chemist and mineralogist named William Gregor. It was then actually identified in 1795 by a German chemist, Martin H. Klaproth, who gave its name we still use today...Titanium.

A pure form of metallic titanium was isolated in its in 1910 by Matthew Hunter at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute with cooperation with General Electric Company. In 1946, William Kroll proved that titanium alloys could be used commercial by combining titanium with magnesium. Titanium got its first major push during and after World War II when a need for a stronger lighter substancce was needed for the war effort. Today, titanium production exceeds 50 million pounds annually has mantained a steady growth rate over the past 50 years.

Titanium ranks ninth in the most common elements in the earths crust but is never found in its pure form. Most of the titanium mined today formed approximately 1.8 million years ago and is mined from mostly streams or rivers where it is found most concentrated. Titanium concentrations are found mostly in China, Australia, South Africa, and the United States where it is extracted commercially from the minerals Rutile and Ilmenite.

The two most common titanium alloys are Ti 6-4 (6% Aluminum, 4% Vanadium, 90% Titanium) and Ti 3-2.5 (3% Aluminum, 2.5% Vanadium, Titanium 94.5%). Ti 3-2.5 is used mostly for making tubing while Ti 6-4 is usded for making structural componentry.

Titanium's Purification
Minerals and sand deposits are removed from the titanium mixture through several refining stages where a mixture of titanium dioxide (TiO2) is produced. At this stage in the refining process, the substance is remarkably white in color and is used as pigment enhancer in paints, plastics, cosmetics, and sunscreens because of its durable, bright, and rich characteristics. Further refinement is needed for other metallic products. The mixture of titanium dioxide mixed and heated (550°C) with a chlorinator to create titanium tetrachloride (TiC14). Purification of this volatile liquid is then necessary and needs an inert argon atmosphere to avoid atmospheric gas contaminations in the final product. Using metallic sodium or magnesium and a significant amount of heat, pure metallic titanium can be extracted. The metal is then melted and cast into shape.

Comparison of Titanium
with Other Metals

Property comparison of titanium and what titanium applied

Titanium as a useful metal alloy was not commonly until the late 1940s.  It is most often alloyed with molybdenum, maganese iron, and aluminum.  In commercial use titanium alloys are used anywhere strength and weight are an issue.  Bicycle frames, automobile and plane parts, and structural pieces are some common examples.  In medical use titanium pins are used because of their non-reactive nature when contacting bone and glesh.  Many surgical instruments, as well as body piercings are made of titanium for this reason as well.

*Property comparison of titanium with other metals

Specific gravity Young’s Modulus (Gpa) Tensile strength (Mps) High temperature oxidation Corrsion resistance
steel 7.85 205 400-800 X
Stainless Steel (SUS304) 7.95 200 600 O
Commercially pure titanium (Grade 2) 4.51 106 450 O
Titanium alloy (6A14V) 4.43 114 900
Aluminum alloy 2.70 70 250 X X
Magnesium alloy 1.70 45 200 X X
Plastic (SMC) 1.90 10 300 X O

More about Titanium

Titanium is suggested for use in desalinization plants because of its strong resistance to corrosion from sea water (particularly  when coated with platinum).  Many ships use titanium for moving components constantly exposed to sea water, such as propellers and rigging.

Titanium heat treating is the industrial process of applying extremely high temperatures to titaniumso that the metal becomes more worable for manufacturing purposes. Annealing and stress relieving are the two most common types of titanium heat treating used today.

Annealing is the titanium heat treating method that serves mainly to make the titanium resist fracture while increasing its ductility, or ability to be stretched into thin wire. The stress relieving method of titanium heat treating, on the other hand, is used mostly to reduce the amount of stress the titanium undergoes while being welded of formed.

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